It’s that time of year again!
Collection will begin On Mon. Aug. 12th and Wed. Aug. 14th 9 am—NOON at the White building across from St. Denis Church.
Please NO clothes / shoes / magazines / Computers / old TV’s (flat screens accepted)
Workers will be needed beginning Monday, August 19th
Questions? Call Rose: 810-359-7610 or MaryAnne 810-696-2000
Actual Sale is September 26th, Thursday - Early Bird Sale $5.00 entrance fee from 6pm - 8pm
Free Sale: Friday and Saturday, September 27 & 28 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, September 29th, Bag Sale from 9 am - 1 pm.
If you have suffered the loss of a loved one, sometimes sharing your grief with others who have walked in the same footsteps can ease the pain.
Grief Recovery meets once a week for six weeks.
Please call the parish office at St. Mary's to inquire about a future program.
When: Every Thursday morning beginning at 8:30 am to pray with the up coming Readings for Sunday.
Where: St. Mary's Center.
Purpose: The focus is unpacking Sundays Readings. We then move to round table discussion, Answering questions about our faith. Bring your questions. Bible knowledge not required at all, we all learn from each other. No commitment, come and go as your schedule permits. We usually have coffee and donuts. Try it, you might like it.
We also listen to Bishop Barron's homily for the Sunday readings and have discussion.
All men of the parish are welcome to attend. Any new comers are always appreciated.
Coffee and Donuts with all the fixings will take place on the second Sunday of the month at St. Mary’s Center following the 8:30 AM Mass.
Coffee, Tea, Milk, Juice, donuts, homemade breakfast Breads and more!
We try not to be a fund raising group but we do activities for the parish and community. Three times a year we walk 2 miles on M46 and pick-up the trash. Our coffee and donuts on the second Sunday of each month will resume as soon as we are cleared by the authorities, to do so. The ladies of the parish join us in sponsoring an all parish meal such as the steak dinner this past August.
Perhaps this is the year you would like to join us on Thursday to spend some time in prayer reflecting on Scripture. It’s hard to believe that this begins our 9th year. This gathering of men and women from all parts of Ave Maria Parish meet in parishioners’ homes and pray with the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday. We find it enriches our experience of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass on Sunday and offers a rich experience of being “A House Church,” much like those of the early Christians.
Please consider joining us. We are always delighted to see new faces.
When: Thursdays at 2:00 pm
Where: Please call for this week’s location….You’ll receive a schedule at the first meeting you attend if you decide to continue.
For more information or directions, please call Kathleen Marschall at 810-622-9904.
Hope you can join us for an enriching afternoon with the Word of the Lord!
Usually Every third Sunday of the Month, at St. Mary's Church from 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm.
"Come and spend an hour with Me!."
Or Join the Sisters for an hour of Adoration at St Mary's Church during the week:
Sunday through Friday, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
No Holy Hour on Saturday. (810) 622-9904 x 3
Pope Francis expressed his dream for “a eucharistic Church” that “kneels before the Eucharist and adores with wonder the Lord present in the bread, but also knows how to bend with compassion and tenderness before the wounds of those who suffer, relieving the poor, drying the tears of those who suffer, making themselves bread of hope and joy for all.”
He said that the Eucharist presents each person with a challenge: “to adore God and not ourselves, putting him at the center rather than the vanity of self.”