Fr BalaWeekly Homilies

by Father Bala Showry Madanu

Father began his ministry as Parochical Vicar at Ave Maria Parish on July 1, 2024.  He was assisted by the Most Reverend Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw.  We are grateful to have Father with us.  You can download copies of his weekly homilies.

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

bhthe rich young manIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

The power of money: when you have money people say ‘How are you’

                                        When you no money people say ‘who are you’.

It is amazing how money can be known by so many different names:

  • In the church or Charity, it is called Donation
  • In the School it is called fee
  • In the marriage it is called Dowry
  • In a Divorce it is called Alimony
  • When owe money to someone it is called Debt
  • Pay to government it is called Tax
  • In a court it is called Fine
  • After retirement it is called Pension
  • Employer giving to worker it is called salary
  • Master giving to servant it is called wage
  • Parents giving to the children it is called Allowance
  • Borrow from it is called Loan
  • Offer after good service is called Tip
  • Paid to a kidnapper is called Ransom
  • Illegally received for in the name of service is called Bribe

But when it is used to share and serve others it is called “Happiness”.

There is nothing in wrong to possess Money, but problem comes when Money possesses us. Earn more money to fulfill your needs and utilize your money to share and serve others and transform the value of your money from Dollar to Happiness.

Alexander the Great’s last wish was that his doctors alone should carry his coffin, symbolizing the powerlessness of even the most skilled physicians in the face of the death; he also wished for his wealth to be scattered along the procession to his grave, signifying that no earthly possessions could accompany him, and for his hands to hang outside the coffin, representing that he came into the world empty handed

God created the world to bestow his grace to give us the opportunity to manifest our unlimited potentials and to reach the ultimate perfection. God created the world so that He can share all he has with us. But the problem with to share what he has; we have to become Qualify till that point.

 Once there was a billionaire and he had 15years old child. One day it happened the child was in his office when the Billionaire had gone out. The child was looking and observing the office and he discovered one old News Paper, and the article was “The Billionaire adopts the orphan child”. When he looked at the date of the News Paper and it was dated 15years long ago. The child was shattered and he asked his father, did you adopt me? Father replied ‘yes I adopted you’.

Why did you adopt me?

Father replied saying my child I am a billionaire and I got everything which money can buy. But what is the use if don’t use the money and to whom I have to share my riches? That is the reason I adopted you so that I am able to give all that I have one day.

Child said, ‘why don’t you give it today all your riches ‘’.

Father said, ‘wait until you grow, if I give now, you will blow all the money. You need to qualify then what is mine is yours. The reason I adopted you is not to fulfill my interest but to share my riches to whom I know.

So, God is perfect and complete in himself and he created us to share his infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite bliss with us. He created us and He is waiting for us to reach that point to share His divine energies. He created the world as a form of grace and having created the world He makes all energies available to us.

All that we are receiving it is all of His Grace so develop the sense of Gratitude. “Yes, you must live life beautifully and not allow the spirit of the world that makes gods out of power, riches, and pleasure make you to forget that you have been created for greater things.

Psalm 49:17 states that the rich leaves everything behind when they die, no different than a poor person. Proverbs 11:4 says that riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

live Life beautifully, we are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse. Wealth belongs to the person who enjoys it and not to the one who keeps it.


You can download these pdf's to follow along during the homily or have an opportunity to refresh what Father said during the Mass.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time